Friday, March 2, 2018

How to Start Interested in Astronomy

"Wah hebatnya kau tahu nama bintang"
"Apa kau tengok tiap malam tu, aku tengok sama je"
"Serius la kita boleh tengok planet"

It all started by coincidence when I have to join my sister in her club trip back in form 1. With zero knowledge of what falak is all about, I just follow the activity.
Going back home after the trip, I started to like watching the night sky. Since then, I will look at the sky whenever I'm outdoor, no matter day or night. In the day, I like to look at the shape of the clouds. At night, obviously the stars and the moon. That’s how the habit of looking at the sky started and also the first thing you have to do in becoming an amateur astronomer.
According to NASA, amateur astronomy is a fascinating hobby and can be an introduction to several practical and useful technologies. So here are several suggestions on how to become an amateur astronomer.

First and foremost, LOOK UP!
You can try search for astronomer tips, they will say the same thing. Since you are going into this, so that is the first thing you have to do. When 'looking up' becomes your habit, you will eventually see that the sky is not the same every night. The most obvious is that the moon is not in the sky at the same time and place every night. The notion that the moon comes out at night and 'hides' in the morning is only partially true.

Next, you can add some fun with FINDING CONSTELLATIONS
Constellation is a group of star. If you use a lot of imagination, the picture would look like animal or people. For example, Orion is a group of stars that Greek thought looked like a giant hunter. Star chart or apps can be used to find the constellations.

Watching the night sky by yourself can be lonely. Make friend with other amateurs will be entertaining. You can share your experience and changing ideas about astronomy with them. Or you can just do a 'show and tell' of the night sky with your close friends, they will love it.

Last but not least, BE PATIENCE and HAVE FUN
The sky is not clear every night. Take it as your rest day when the sky is full of clouds. And don’t forget to enjoy your expedition in exploring the vast night sky.

Happy stargazing :)


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